About me
I'm a writer and teacher. I believe education is our path to growth, success, and most importantly, opportunities to live a fulfilling life.
Find my novel, Max in the Capital of Spies, wherever books are sold. Jimmy vs. Communism comes out in 2026 through Gibbs Smith!Find me on tiktok @Steve_Capone_Jr_Author Find me on Instagram @author_steve_capone_jror on facebook www.facebook.com/stevecaponejr
When I'm not in the classroom, I'm designing for it, reading books that will help me be a better teacher, observing and learning from other teachers, engaging with online professional networks, or presenting what I've learned and developed at professional conferences (LUW, UCSS, NCSS, AMLE) or on podcasts (e.g. UEN's Homeroom Podcast). I'm a board member with UCSS and UMLA.
Specific expertise / experience includes:
- Design w/ Equity and DEIB in focus
- Teaching with Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
- Experiential Learning
- Culturally Responsive Teaching and Design
- Curriculum design and development across grades (scope & sequence development)
- Classroom instructional design
- Administrative Work and Leadership (e.g. PTO Committee, Professional Development Committee, Middle School Design Ad-Hoc Committees)
- Design Thinking
- Project-Based, Problem-Based, and Phenomena-Based Learning
- Appropriately Integrated Educational Technology
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Highly Collaborative Planning and Design
Besides actively engaging in learning at all times, I'm also passionate about writing. My first book, Max in the Capital of Spies, is out now. I'm also constantly revising and developing other fiction and nonfiction projects, and I think of my writing as a way of applying all of my life experiences to help entertain and connect emotionally with people I may never meet.
The saying that most drives me is "One's reach should always exceed one's grasp," reminding me to pursue goals that are big, that are impactful, and that may well be impossible.
Contact me at stevecaponejr@gmail