About me
I'm a 4th grade teacher with a background in special education and English Language Learners. In my 14 years of teaching, I've been always looking for cost effective ways to bring the latest technology in the classroom. While VR in an elementary setting may have it's unique considerations and limitations, most students are eager to undertake a number of challenging problem-based scenarios in a 3D environment. While current apps at the age range and category (elementary education) are limited, there are still plenty of reading, puzzle-solving, math opportunities and a multitude of ways to explore. Even with one headset in the classroom, it is still possible to expose students to current tech trends, even if only used as a motivational tool. This presentation with feature ideas and information on apps, links, and other applications that would be helpful for educators who are new to VR in classroom, or for those who may be interested in different classroom approaches.