Not sure how to get started with STEM in your district or school? Come check out this short session to learn from our district as a case study on how to approach STEM integration holistically. Explore parts of STEM integration such as curriculum approaches, makerspace studios, endorsements, and more to fully support your STEM efforts! Participants will walk away with a guide on how to integrate, tips on getting started, and a full picture of how to support STEM in their area.
Digital Teaching and Learning Specialist, Canyons School Distirct
Chandra Martz has presented on topics such as STEM integration, EdTech Best Practice and more at UCET, UVU Makercon, and other local conferences. Chandra runs STEAM Studio in Canyons School District and has helped to create a strategic vision for STEAM in Canyons School District... Read More →
Digital Teaching and Learning Specialist and AI Systems Co-Lead, Canyons School District
Emma Moss founded the Utah AI Collaborative and leads monthly meet-ups around AI and innovation in education. She has presented on AI topics at UCET, URSA C-Forum, ISTE, TX Technnovate and has upcoming presentations at the CTE Vision conference and FETC. In addition to presenting... Read More →
Tuesday February 25, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm MST
Room 257 B